The California State Legislature adopted the Public Records Act in 1975. It is designed to give the public access to information in possession of public agencies. The Act also provides that public records shall be open for inspection during regular office hours of the agency. The public can inspect any record unless the record is exempted from disclosure under the act.
How do I make a Public Records request?
All requests for public records should be directed to the District Office. Please include in your request:
- Your name.
- Your contact information (including phone number, postal address, and email address).
- A detailed description of the information you are seeking.
- If you would like the information mailed to an address that is different from your contact information, please give the postal address of where you would like the materials sent.
Requests may be sent to the Richardson Bay Sanitary District, 500 Tiburon Blvd., Tiburon, CA 94920 or email
Anyone may initiate a request for public records.
What type of information can I request?
Public Records requests may be used to obtain “agency records,” which include a wide variety of documents and other materials (including print, photographic, and electronic formats) that were created or obtained by the District and are, at the time the request is filed, in the department’s possession and control.
How soon must the District respond to my request?
A District receiving a request for documents under the Public Records Act has ten (10) days in which to respond to the request.
How much will I be charged for my request?
Fees for copies are twenty-five cents per page, unless the requested document has an established statutory fee. The cost of CDs and audio tapes will vary depending on the specific request.
When may public records be inspected?
Public records are open to inspection during regular business hours. To make an appointment please call 415-388-1345. The office is located at 500 Tiburon Blvd., Tiburon, CA 94920.